Yea I kinda fail in keeping this going on a consistent basis, but thats just typical with me and writing. I have no problem with ideas and thinking up things to write about; its just that part of actually writing it all down. So hopefully, I won't have too many moments of weakness like this but might as well warn because its going to happen. I mean it happens all the time over at
So what have I been up to?
Well I went to Chicago about two weeks ago to see friends in the windy city and go to an anime con. Yes, I do go to geeky conventions a few times a year. I have met a lot of good people by doing it, and its like I dress up in costumes....anymore. I do really like Chicago and its a possible move spot, but I do have reservations about it. The cost of living is high, its very spread out, but I do have a semi safety net. Everyone wants me to move there but its not like I'm getting any offers to stay with anyone while I am looking for a place. Something is holding me back from making a full commitment to moving to Chicago, more so than other places on my list. Anyway. Chicago was a good time. I got to drink, but not as drunk as normal, and everyone was a joy to be around. The convention itself kind of suck though, nothing really worth speaking about.
YMCA is getting on my last nerves, its become a love hate relationship. I love how close it is to my house, love how I can pretty much do whatever I want, love that anymore its slow enough I can work out on my shifts if I want. I hate the terrible organization and management, I hate that my hard work is never going to rewarded with a raise, I hate having to take shifts from other people to get enough hours, I hate being a janitor most of the time I am working. I have been too busy, surprisingly enough, to go look for another job last week but this week it won't be the case. If nothing comes of it, I will pursue getting a second personal training certification. I just hate having to feel like I can only survive with my job and not really live.
I don't understand or get men, I really don't. I thought men would be a lot easier to read and manage than women. I must have been wrong. All of the men I have dealt with seem to be hot and cold, enough to keep me around but not enough for me to believe they honestly care about me. Jonathan doesn't really answer me back when I text or call but he does respond enough that I just don't give up. I might just be desperate I suppose. I'm not really sure what I should be doing about it. I don't have any dating history to fall back on, which has been the downside of never trying to date when I was younger.
My new lifting routine has been really enjoyable, I realize I have been way too much for way too long. That is why I haven't gained or progressed as much as I could have, chronically under-gaining due to not enough rest. I'm hopeful following more reasonable bodybuilding routines and obsessively following my diet, I will be able to make some real progress over the summer. Not that I haven't made progress over the years, just hopefully this will speed things along.
Maybe get me into my stripping side job sooner....