I have a major fear of the 2012 election: I will be stuck voting for Obama or a Religious Nut. I am pretty hopefully Romney will win the primary but if not...please let it be someone besides Huckabee.
So the former Gov. of Arkansas made some rather obnoxious comments about gay marriage and gay relationships in general. I think maybe on of the worse comments is the line, "Children are not puppies."
Yea, we get that. Considering most gay couples either have to put thousands of dollars to adopt, if they can legally, or go through artificial means like insemination or surrogacy; most of us don't think of children as puppies. We are not that ones who keep abortion clinics running and out of wedlock births going, Octo-Mom was not an out of control lesbian with a turkey baster.
"They have to prove that two men can have an equally definable relationship called marriage, and somehow that that can mean the same thing."
It would be nice if everyone had to prove their relationship before they got married, maybe we would have less divorce rates. I don't think anyone should have to prove their relationship to the Government, and especially not to Former Gov. Huckabee. He might have a point about whether its right to change the definition of Marriage to accommodate all relationships, but his argument is flimsy. I guess he would want everyone to go to a court and have to deliver proof they have a relationship worth getting married by the state...cause thats not a massive expansion of government.
He should really come out as what he is, a Theocratic.
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