I've not talked about comic books much on this blog, even if they are a rather big interest of mine. I guess because even though I consider myself a fan, I don't consider myself well versed to make commentary. Not that you have to be studied to make commentary, we have plenty of talking heads on tv...about everything. My interest in comics also cycles, I will read a lot at one point and then slow off: repeat.
My interest in comics was based a lot on the 90's comic cartoon boom. I loved the X-men, loved Spider-man, and also was really into the Batman: Animated series. I was a pretty big Marvel/Spider-man fan in my younger years and then I fell out of it and got into anime. I didn't really back into comic books until a few years ago, around the time Jason Todd was brought back to life. I've been more in the DC camp since then with more of a focus on Batman and Superman families.
Anyway, so Comic Book Queers is a website/podcasts that focus on comics with fabulous queer sensibility. They do various episodes, or issues, on differing comic, comic characters, story arches, and news. This basically allows me to know whats going in the ever repeating world of comics, cause there is never a new story in comics. DC's universe is always going through crisis and Marvel is always changing Spider-man's costume. Jean Grey dying, coming back, dying, and hopefully coming back again soon. I think she did actually, or it was just a very heavy handed hint.
I've actually looked into various titles thanks to things they have brought up, whether its new comics or even old ones. I have become a bigger fan of Dazzler thanks to their comments, and those radio skits. Though they do focus a lot on the major titles of the DC house and Marvel House, but they do bring a lot indie creators and comics. Gail Simone features a good amount, which she is like the favored of all queer comic boy fans. Even though some times I get a bit lost with the generational references, but it happens when you have decades of story lines like you do in comic book. Or I'm a terrible fan, could be that too.
It isn't all just comics, but a lot of pop culture issues: like films. Though usually its films or series that have a bent towards sci-fi or fantastic, much like comic books. Well they also talk about Lost, which I skipped over as I'm not much a thinking man. Though I did like Inception, which I didn't get what was so confusing about it.
The other, and sometimes I love it best, is when the group of pod casters do their amazing scripted shows. Most the regular people are men so its pretty hilarious when they auto tune? the voices to sound like Storm, Emma Frost, and Dazzler. I have come to appreciate those characters a lot more through those episodes, well and the X-men in general. I could listen to those issues/episodes over and over again.
The blog is amazing, the guys who run it are great, and its almost always funny and informative. If you like comics at all, it is a definitive place to visit.
It is on my read list but here is the link otherwise: www.comicbookqueers.com.
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