Monday, October 25, 2010

Z and G Wedding

My two good friends, Z and G, got married over the weekend. It was the second wedding I got to be in, though it was mostly being an usher and running around doing things behind the scenes. The wedding was held at the Dayton Art Institute and was probably the most expensive wedding I've been involved with. G looked really amazing, probably the prettiest bride I've seen in person.

The wedding was full of personal touches which is nice. They displayed puzzles they had completed together all around the reception area, which was in the Gothic Cloister. G actually sung a song as part of her personal vows, personal vows are always nice if done well. It was definitely G's wedding, but Z's touch was on it too. They are a lot like though different enough that they don't clash too much, basically Z knows how to handle her.

I did have a lot of thoughts during the wedding though, like wow I really want to get married. It just reminded me of how lonely I can get without having someone to share with. I just deal with constant dead ends and jerk around, probably because I deal with the same people all the time. I need to go meet people, which is hard with basically working all week and my weekend is just hanging out with my friends. And another against my friends, but its not getting me to meet anyone.

And it also made me think about straight marriages versus gay marriages, like in how people view them. I'm pretty aware that if I'm able to marry, one day God willing, that it won't stir the same feelings in my family. I doubt most of my family would even go, but sure my friends would be there at least. Well maybe in some families its nothing different, but I think it will take a lot of time for that to happen. Like Generations, and so on....time heals all wounds or something.

G does have real Italian cousins though, one woman seemed to be straight out of my Cousin Vinny or the Jersey Shore.

1 comment:

  1. I always say you can't pick your family, but you have a say in your friends. I think who you surround yourself with is much more important than where you came from.

    So celebrate your friendships and don't worry about the family you can't control. Just my two cents.
