Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tired of Being Bored

Really tired of always feeling bored...

This is obviously a problem of my own making and there is something I could do about it, but I just find meaningless ways to keep occupied. I watch tv or reload the same web pages, but none of it makes me feel better. I just get kinda anxious and somewhat depressed.

I should have done something at the gym while it was open, or actually do some kind of real cleaning. I want too but I just have this weird feeling of malaise hanging over my body.

I should write something at least, blog post or some fiction. I just get this self defeated feeling about writing anymore, at least when it comes to fiction.

This was pointless, still bored.


  1. I read other people's stuff and that usually gets some kind of creative juice flowing. That sounds dirty. Writing is, I guess.

  2. Yea, I have ideas. I just think writing it will turn out badly, so I don't. Ah, self defeat.
